queryselect /*/goods/list.php*/ sql_calc_found_rows a.*, (select price1 from mini_goods_opt where goodsno=a.goodsno and type=0 and idx=0 order by no limit 1) as price, (select sum(stock-rstock) from mini_goods_stock where goodsno=a.goodsno and part=0) as totstock, (select price1 from mini_goods_opt where goodsno=a.goodsno and type=0 and idx=0 order by no limit 1) as price1, (select primeprice from mini_goods_opt where goodsno=a.goodsno and type=0 and idx=0 order by no limit 1) as primeprice,b.goodsno from mini_goods as a,mini_goods_link as b where a.goodsno = b.goodsno and b.catno like '107011%' and a.state=1 group by b.goodsno order by b.nsort asc limit 12,12
file/home/jumbo/public_html/goods/list.php (line:213)
/home/jumbo/public_html/lib/class.page_list.php (line:86)
/home/jumbo/public_html/lib/class.page_list.php (line:60)